About Us

Our mission is to enjoy work, keep continuously learning, deliver value to business partners, customers, friends, and get paid.

Our Team has strong academic, business, and government networks in Europe, India, and the Americas - especially USA and Silicon Valley.

We are high technology focused and implemented a consulting and project management business model in 1998. 

Our primary market is Europe, India, North America.


Our primary focus is business development and transactions focused marketing, mostly for start up and early revenue projects.

We have worked with government agencies in Canada, Europe, India, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, and the USA.

We have deep experience in business partner, customer, funding, and people sourcing, with backgrounds in many commercial technologies.


Our current technology focus includes AI, Digital Twins, Extended Reality, and Robotics to supplement deep experience in advanced materials, thin films, power, and space technologies.


We use Statement of Work contracts and clearly defined deliverables, subject to changes over time in rapidly evolving environments.

Our base-line engagement for principals is USD $1,000/day.
